1. I love my Ukulele

About this Photo:

What better way to start my Daily Photo Project than by sharing a photo of one of the biggest joys in life? Yup, my Ukulele. Buying my first Ukulele on a trip to Cambodia turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. You simply can’t be sad when you play a Uke!

I learned to play my first basic chords in a matter of days, after that, I got caught up with work and I struggled with a bad break-up. It wasn’t until the Covid-19 crisis kicked in that I discovered how much I loved playing the Ukulele. I hardly had any work during that time of quarantine so I would just sit down at a deserted beach, drink wine and practice playing until my fingers were actually bleeding, taking it one song at a time.

After a while, in may, I started to notice that maybe I had outgrown my first Ukulele. It didn’t sound well on the faster strum patterns, one of the tuners broke, it had a nasty ring to it that I couldn’t seem to fix, the strings were too far from the fret board… It annoyed me. When I brought it to a music store in Utrecht to have it fixed, my attention was immediately drawn to the little beauty on this photo. It’s a much smaller size than my first Ukulele, it has a solid Koa top and sounds like a charm. Thanks to my parents, who still wanted to give me a birthday present, I left the store with two Ukuleles.

As I started playing my new soprano, the progress I made was a-ma-zing, but I hardly ever shared anything with anyone, except for my supportive boyfriend, who really encouraged me in the progress. Playing and singing in front of other people was perhaps the scariest thing I have ever done, but it felt like a necessary step in order to keep making progress.

Now, 5 months later, I bring my Ukulele to any occasion and even spent a day in a studio recording a song last week! I still can’t believe where this journey has brought me, and I have no idea what’s next, but I know that my Ukulele makes me happy as f*ck.

♥ Patty

Location: Exterion Media, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Photo taken with: Iphone XR
Weather: Hot and sunny

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